Yoga and Exercise as Scoliosis Treatments
This article is generally about scoliosis. It explains how yoga and exercise help in relieving the pain experienced by patients with scoliosis. Aside from these,the article also cites some of the most common signs or symptoms of scoliosis,as well as it mentions a couple of yoga and exercises that are commonly recommended to patients suffering from scoliosis.
scoliosis, surgery, treatment
As defined in medical terminology, scoliosis is characterized as a complex rotational and lateral deformity and curvature of the human spine. This condition may either be classified as idiopathic, a secondary symptom, or congenital.
Causes for some forms of scoliosis are still undefined or unknown. This condition is more adamant among females. Some people often falsely associated scoliosis to bad posture, slouching, and awkward positioning of the body. This condition is also not caused by carrying heavy objects, and it also has nothing to do with a person’s lack of calcium in diet.
Although, it is mostly the adults who experience extreme back pains due to scoliosis, the symptoms and signs for this condition generally worsen during the adolescent years.
The symptoms for scoliosis vary. Persistent back pain does not necessarily confirm one to have scoliosis. Some of the most common signs of this condition are the following:
1. Prominent shoulder blades
2. Uneven level of shoulders and hips
3. Uneven distance between body and arms
4. Clothes do not fit or hang appropriately
The most popular relief treatments for scoliosis condition are surgery and bracing, and the most common treatment is by means of observation. Surgery is recommended to patients with curves that have high degree of progression. It is also a solution for those who experience pain regularly as well as for those who have curves that significantly affect their physiological functions.
On the other hand, bracing is commonly advised among adolescents to further prevent progression of their spinal curves. Braces, however, do not always give the same result. There are instances when patients still undergo surgery even after they were braced. This scoliosis treatment also has several types, depending on the condition of the patient’s curve.
Aside from surgery, bracing, and observation, yoga or exercise is also known to be a great treatment for scoliosis. Performing yoga exercises helps in correcting and easing the pain brought by scoliosis for it thoroughly stretches the body.
Although some experts claim that yoga and exercise have little effect to correct scoliosis, these actually help in avoiding further progression of the spinal curve. These can also reduce the angle of the spinal curvature. Patients with braces are also recommended to perform yoga or exercise, for these help them adapt more quickly to the brace.
Recommended yoga exercises for patients with scoliosis
1. Crocodile Twist scoliosis exercise
This yoga exercise is regarded as one of the most effective yoga exercise for patients with scoliosis.
2. Passive back arch scoliosis exercise
This exercise is a good way to reduce the pain brought by scoliosis, as well as it is a perfect treatment for related body conditions.
3. One leg up and one leg out scoliosis exercise
This exercise is reported to be very effective as it reduces tensions in the leg muscles. The seated twist version of this exercise is also a recommended exercise to treat thoracic twist condition. Apart from its simplicity, the seated twist exercise helps a lot in correcting the body alignment.