Your Body, the Missing Link to Knowing Your Creator

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By , May 8, 2020 5:46 am


It comes from God and no one disputes it. Everyone gets one and they are all governed by natural laws set up by God. Regardless if someone believes in God or doesn’t, all the bodies are governed by these laws in the same way. Could the human body be the missing link to gaining a much deeper understanding of our creator?

, creator, fitness, human body, working out

In a world full of sacred texts and differing opinions, how do you know which one is correct? And it doesn’t just stop there with choosing the correct sacred text. You can have one sacred text and hundreds of interpretations on how it is supposed to be followed, let alone all the other sacred texts.

So, which text is right and how is it really supposed to be followed? Well, this article has nothing to do with that question. Instead, it deals with something that is almost always over looked, but a lot closer to home. It’s your physical body.

There is a raging war about which sacred text is the right one and how it is really supposed to be followed, but I don’t think any are claiming that our bodies are not the creations of God. Please forgive the trespass if God is not the word you use for your higher power. For the convenience of writing this article, when you see the word God or other similar words, please substitute the appropriate word to provide meaning to you.

Think about the vulnerability of text. It can be changed, manipulated, and interpreted in many ways, but how many human forgeries do we have out of the 6 billion people on the planet? How many humans do we have that are in horses, cats, or dogs bodies? How about trees that are humans? From my count, I come up with zero. There is something sacred about the human body.

I agree that it is your soul, life force, spirit, etc, that makes the human body alive and magical, but why does this magic only show up in the human body? Animals and plants are alive but they are different. Obviously God choose the human form for a specific reason.

Our bodies are a gift from God while we are alive on this planet. All that we experience happens through our bodies. You have it your whole life and it is not like you can go down to the store and pick up a new one. What you think, eat, and do, affects your body which then affects what you experience.

The part of the world you are born into greatly influences the type of religions and sacred texts you will be exposed to. The one thing, however, that is constant across the world, is the human body. There is no illusion that it comes from God and that there are laws in place that affect the body. These laws are universal and affect the body independently of the religion the person follows.

God gave us all bodies and set down laws that govern these bodies. Now the human body is mostly the same, but there are differences in sizes, shapes, skin color, etc. Do you think that is a mistake? God got it wrong? Is everyone supposed to be the same and his manufacturing process is off?

I don’t think so. We were given our specific body by God for a specific reason. Now, he also put in place the laws on how the body is to be used. Certain things make the body run great and other things are destructive to the body. Why is that? Why choose only the human body, make sure everyone gets one that is very similar, and then have laws about what make it work great, what makes it work poorly, or what kills it?

Now, I am not knocking sacred text in any manner or under shadowing their importance. I am just bringing to light that your body is without a doubt, 100% authentic from God, and it has specific laws on how it should be treated. I urge you to build the habits that sustain and make your body thrive.

Habits such as proper rest, exercise, eating right, and proper mental food are universal principles that affect the body in a positive manner. Of course anything taken to excess or abused can be damaging. God gave you your body with an internal guidance system to follow. Finding out the specifics of what works best for your body is a quest that will surely bring you closer to what God designed for your life. I wish you well on your quest where ever it may take you.

World Warned To Prepare For Bird Flu

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By , May 5, 2020 8:50 am


Confronting the possibility of a potentially devastating human bird flu pandemic, the United Nations system ?from Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to the UN health and agricultural agencies ?today laid out a blueprint for immediate preventive and mitigating action.

“We may not know about the future course of H5N1, we do know this: once human-to-human transmission has been established, we would have only a matter of weeks to lock d…

bird flu,H5N1,vaccine

Confronting the possibility of a potentially devastating human bird flu pandemic, the United Nations system ?from Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to the UN health and agricultural agencies ?today laid out a blueprint for immediate preventive and mitigating action.

“We may not know about the future course of H5N1, we do know this: once human-to-human transmission has been established, we would have only a matter of weeks to lock down the spread before it spins out of control. That is why the international community must take action now.” Mr. Annan told the Time Global Health Summit, a three-day event in New York held to discuss key health issues.

In light of these concerns, and likely rationing of available flu vaccines, it is advisable that people also look at other areas which complement good health. In the United States, the average American diet is high in sodium, fat, sugar, and preservatives and low in nutrition. These are typically not the ingredients associated with the support of a healthy immune system. It is the beneficial components of food which feed the cells of the body and support the normal function which allows each cell the potential to restore, protect and defend itself from the effects of injury and disease. A poorly nourished body is less able to carry out these activities as the basic building blocks for cell function are in limited supply.

People should therefore seek to improve their dietary intake of beneficial sources of nutrition and limit their intake of the more commonly eaten foods which are known to be more harmful to the body than their unprocessed counterparts. Will the support of a healthy immune system ensure a perfect defense against invading flu virus particles? Certainly not. However, a healthy immune system may mean the difference between someone who contracts the flu and recovers quickly and someone who suffers greatly.

The most important factor in the improvement of any person’s diet is to improve the quality and variety of food eaten. While dietary supplements may provide some excellent health benefits they are intended to supplement, not substitute, the benefits of a good diet.

Yoga: The Holistic Treatment for Arthritis Pain Relief

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By , May 2, 2020 11:47 am


Yoga is an ancient practice using a system of postures and breath controls, which aim to achieve the perfect union of body, mind, and spirit. Yoga can be customized to help with a wide range of specific conditions including chronic pain conditions such as arthritis. This article shows why yoga can be an effective arthritis pain relief method.

arthritis pain relief

Living with arthritis pain is not something that anyone would like to happen to them. Many people suffer the aches and pains of damaged or inflamed joints. Some are just uncomfortable, and some become crippled as a result of a disease that has been recognized since prehistoric times but understood only in the past few decades.

Arthritis affects the joints, specifically where the areas in the body where two or more bones meet. There are several different parts of the joint that may be affected by arthritis, such as cartilage, synovium, tendons, and muscles. The neighboring ends of bones that form the joints are covered by a soft, protective material called cartilage that cushions the bones and keeps them from rubbing together. The joint is also enclosed in a capsule and lined with a tissue called synovium.

The term arthritis covers a group of more than 100 diseases that involve inflammation of joints and discomfort in connective tissues throughout the body. In many parts of the world, the disease is called rheumatism.

Arthritis is a frequent conversational topic because it affects so many people. It is estimated that about one out of every seven people in America have arthritis in some form and the need to find arthritis pain relief is on top of most sufferers?minds. It could mean taking a pill, performing gentle exercises, stretching or trying some other means to obtain relief such as yoga.

Yoga is an ancient practice using a system of postures and breath controls, which aim to achieve the perfect union of body, mind, and spirit. Yoga can be customized to help with a wide range of specific conditions including chronic pain conditions such migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and arthritis.

Yoga for arthritis pain relief does not necessarily mean bending and contorting the body into weird and impossible positions just to get comfort from the pain. It is enough that a person suffering from arthritis may practice breathing and self-awareness, the core of yoga practices. While stretching is certainly involved, yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits. The poses can be done quickly in succession, creating heat in the body through movement (vinyasa-style yoga) or more slowly to increase stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose. The poses are a constant, but the approach to them varies depending on the tradition in which the teacher has trained.

Yoga poses can be tailored for different joints. A common arthritic problem is swelling of the fingers and knuckle joints. In this case, if the condition is not too severe and the person suffers mild to moderate pain, a series of poses can be worked on that lengthen and spread the fingers. Hand stretches also create energy flow to the area that eventually moves to the fingers. Experts say that the heat is really good to the joints. As a therapeutic practice, yoga helps a person create heat through deliberate breathing and movement.

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